Unified Command opens limited access deep draft channel

BALTIMORE – The Captain of the Port established a fourth channel, the Fort McHenry Limited Access Channel, which will run the length of the northeast side of the federal channel, and provide additional access to commercially essential traffic.

The Limited Access Deep Draft Channel, has a controlling depth of 35 feet, a 300-foot horizontal clearance, and a vertical clearance of 214 feet, and will facilitate some larger deep draft vessels, large marine tugs, and MARAD vessels through the Port of Baltimore. Infographic courtesy of Key Bridge Response 2024 Unified Command.

The limited access deep draft channel has a controlling depth of a minimum of 35 feet, a 300-foot horizontal clearance, and a vertical clearance of 214 feet. Additional restrictions for transits are outlined in MSIB 043-24, including weather limitations which may impact the transit window.

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